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PROJECTS 1835 focuses on the use of social entrepreneurship and Innovation as vehicles of economic and social development in Sierra Leone. Part of our goals are nurturing a community of Innovators and Entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone, encourage the growth of Innovations in education, health, Agriculture, environmental protection & management, food production/security and technology, leverage competitive advantages such as tourism, commodities and high human capital to build companies that will have an impact on social, economic, and industrial structures, and coach and mentor early-stage start-ups, develop a platform for growth companies, and support the entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly those who are marginalized (women and youth).

PROJECTS1835 focuses on the use of social entrepreneurship and innovation as vehicles of economic and social development in Sierra Leone. Part of our goals are:

  • Nurturing a community of Innovators and Entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone
  • Encourage the growth of Innovations in education, health, Agriculture, environmental protection & management, food production/security and technology
  • Build companies that will have an impact on social, economic, and industrial structures
  • Coach and mentor early-stage startups
  • Develop a platform for growth companies, and support the entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly those who are marginalized (women and youth)
As part of our commitment to Sierra Leone's startup ecosystem, the idea of the National Innovation Hubs is to create the space and the enabling environment to incubate and accelerate several startups in Sierra Leone. The Hubs started from Bo and are expected to expand to two provincial cities and the capital. In these spaces, we bring together developers, mentors, and tech community to share their ideas, skills, and time.



2 years ago, we set out on a mission to change Sierra Leone, contributing to making here the hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Below are some of what we have achieved:



Today, we are champions of propagating the Out of the box thinking especially for kids and young people, including girls in Sierra Leone. Young people specifically the more than 500 we have engaged with see opportunities in problems in their communities, and not the other way round.



Through the Fab Lab project, we have been able to train 250 young people to use fab lab equipment. Half of these number have employable skills learned directly because of their engagement at the Fab Lab.




On June 16th, 2022, we opened our doors to the first innovation hub, the first in a provincial district in Sierra Leone. The space will be a training ground for kids, including Innovators and Entrepreneurs. This initiative is part of an ongoing mission of establishing Innovation Hubs across the country. A new one will be opened in the next 3-6 months in Freetown. Once opened, it will be the biggest creative in Sierra Leone with access to training and maker equipment for young people.





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